Visitors 47
Modified 8-Jan-21
Created 8-Jan-17
0 photos

Welcome to the photo gallery for the 2017 IFSC World Climbing Camp at The Boulders Climbing Gym in Central Saanich. There are images here from all three days of the event including the Bouldering comp at BoulderHouse and the lead competition on Sunday. My apologies but I could not attend the speed comp on Saturday night. Images are available for purchase in print or digital format. Please click on any image below to go to a larger version of the image and to see size and pricing options. PLEASE DO NOT COPY. All images (C) Christian J. Stewart Photography 2017 and may not be used without express written consent of the photographer. Tel: 250-472-1699; E-Mail: [email protected]. Editorial use allowed with mandatory credit to Christian J. Stewart.
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