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Taken 26-Sep-15
Visitors 16

2 of 63 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions1024 x 819
Original file size1.08 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken26-Sep-15 11:32
Shooting Conditions

Camera makeCanon
Camera modelCanon EOS-1D X
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure modeManual
Exposure prog.Manual
ISO speedISO 800
Metering modePattern
Castaway Wanderers Rugby

Castaway Wanderers Rugby

September 26, 2015, Victoria, BC - The Castaway Wanderers Rugby Football Club host the Cowichan RFC in women's play Saturday at Windsor Park in Victoria. The Castaway Wanderers would roll to a 50-5 victory All images (C) Christian J. Stewart Photography 2015 and may not be used without express written consent of the photographer. Tel: 250-472-1699; E-Mail: [email protected]. Editorial use allowed with mandatory credit to Christian J. Stewart and Independent Sports News.